Appeal to:
UNESCO Division for freedom of expression
Reporters without
World press freedom committee
Dear Madame/Sir
The Iranian authorities continue to violate the human rights of the Turks
The UNESCO General Conference recognized in its 1991 resolution on
"promotion of press, freedom in the world" that a free pluralistic
and independent press is an essential component of any democratic society. Due
to the crucial role of the press as an important instrument in disseminating
knowledge and information about the cultural heritage, and based on the
awareness of the fact that the freedom of expression is one of the fundamental
human rights, recognized by international conventions, in 1993, the general
assembly declared May 3 as world press freedom day. This is in accordance with
article 19 of the universal declaration of human rights, which states that
"everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this right
includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and
impart information and ideas through media, regardless of frontiers".
Given the importance that international organizations attribute to
protecting the fundamental rights of freedom of expression, the present
situation in
The suppression of the political activists and journalists continues.
There continues to be no freedom of the press in the country. Journalists live
in constant fear. They are sentenced to death; many are imprisoned and tortured
for exercising their duties.
In the last year, 80 % of the 120 Turkish journals have been prohibited
to be published. The remaining ones are not active since they are in the danger
of being closed and their journalists exist in conditions of fear.
One important monthly journal published in Turkish language, which has
been closed two months ago by the regime, is /Dilmac/. This publication had
played an important role in giving information and developing fuller awareness
of linguistic, cultural and historical traditions. The importance of /Dilmac/
for unraveling events and developing a narrative sense of knowledge about the
gender problems in
Dr. Sedigheh Adalati:
Sedig.adalati@googlemail.c to: