پیرامون نقش
اقوام در
دویچه وله
جایگاه اقوام
در اعتراضات
کنونی با آقای
یوسف عزیزی
بنی طرف،
نویسنده عرب
ایرانی و عضو
ایران، دکتر
عبدالستار دوشوکی،
فعال سیاسی
بلوچ و همچنین
آقای علاءالدین،
یکی از فعالین
جنبش ملی آذربایجان
در لندن صحبت
کرد و نظر
آنها را پیرامون
نقش اقوام در
ایران پرسید.
یوسف عزیزی
بنی طرف: من
نوشتم بنام "مهر
برجسته اقوام
ریاست جمهوری
ایران" در این
مقاله تاکید
کردم که قومیتهای
ایرانی مهر
را به این
شکل براین
زدند که هر
کدامیک از
انتخابات از
جمله آقایان
کروبی و موسوی
به نحوی ازاین
قومیتها" متاثر
شدند و برنامههایی
برای حل
برخی از
مشکلات مسئله
ملی ارائه
دادند. فعالان
عرب هم در
انتخاباتی موسوی
و کروبی شرکت
فعالی کردند. در
جامعه عرب
اهواز تاکید
دارند که باید علیه
تقلب در
اعتراض کنند و
به تظاهرات
بپیوندند و
شعارهای عام
مردم را بدهند. گروههایی
مثل "بیت
العرب" و "جامعه
مدنی عرب
اهوازی" اخیرا
دادند و مردم
عرب خوزستان
را دعوت کردند
تا به تظاهرات
میلیونی مردم
بپیوندند و صفوف
خود را جدا
نکنند، زیرا
این یک مسئلهای
است که به
سرنوشت همه ما
مربوط میشود. در
بیانیه این
گروهها از
کارگران عرب
شرکت نفت هم
درخواست شده
که اگر فراخوان
اعتصاب صورت
کارگران عرب
نیزدر آن شرکت
دویچه وله: آقای
دوشوکی، شما
پس از صحبتهای
آیت الله خامنهای
در نماز جمعه
تهران و
بدنبال آن تظاهرات
روز شنبه در
که نوشتید
تاکید کردید
که در شرایط
کنونی "فاز جدیدی"
از مبارزات
مردم ایران
آغاز شده و
بلوچها را هم
به همراه دیگر
قومیتها برای
پیوستن به
عمومی دعوت
کردید. در این
مرحله جدیدی
که شما طرح میکنید مشارکت
اقوام چگونه
باید باشد،
مثلا بلوچها
چگونه در آن
شرکت خواهند کرد؟
دوشوکی: رهبران
مذهبی و سیاسی
بلوچ کمی
محتاط و ناظر جنگ
قدرت بین جناحهای
رژیم بودند و
از کسی حمایت
نکردند. ولی
مردم بلوچ خواستههایشان
را در برنامههای
آقای کروبی و
تا حدی هم در برنامههای
اعلام شده آقای
موسوی میدیدند.
در حال حاضر
ما وارد فاز
جدیدی شدیم و
دیگر جنگ جناحها
مطرح نیست
الآن تودههای
مردم وارد
سیاسی شدند. تاکید
ما روی تودههای
مردم باشد و باید
این حرکتها را
به یک جنبش
ساختار شکنی سوق
بدهیم که برای
همه ایرانیها
عاید خوبی را
به همراه خوهد
داشت و شرکت
در آن وظیفه
همه ماهست.
بنظر برخیها
در شهرهای
آذربایجان به
آن شکلی که
انتظار میرفت
مردم در
تظاهرات شرکت
فعالی ندارند.
سکوت میکند؟
علاءالدین: تظاهرات
و یا حرکت ملت
آذربایجان با
حذف رد صلاحیت آقای
اعلمی حدودا
یکماه پیش
آغاز شد و در
سطح آذربایجان،
یعنی در تبریز
و ارومیه دستگیریهای
زیادی اتفاق
افتاد و یک
مقداری از
انرژی این
حرکت صرف
مسائل پیش از انتخابات
شد. در همان
موقع شورائی
از فعالین
جنبش ملی آذربایجان
بنام "شورای هماهنگی
فعالین" تاسیس
شد که مبارزات
و اعتراضها
را بصورت
اصولی پیش
ببرد. در حال حاضر
جو آذربایجان
شدیدا امنیتی
است و در طول ۳۰ سال ما
شاهد چنین جوی
حاکم نبودیم. تبریز
تقریبا در
حالت حکومت
نظامی بسر میبرد.
اما علیرغم
این فشارها
اعتراضات هم شروع
شده و در
ارومیه حتی ۲ شهید هم
داشتیم. در
اقلیت ملی، آذربایجانیها
هستند، بخاطر
همین نوعی
وسواس و
نگرانی خاصی
در دولت فعلی
وجود دارد. اما
تظاهرات آغاز
شده و این جو
خواهد شکست و
تکانی بخورد
این مسأله به این
شکل ادامه
نخواهد یافت.
آقای بنی
طرف وضعیت
سیاسی مناطقی
که قومیتها
زندگی میکنند
در حال حاضر
چگونه است؟
آیا در آنجا
هم همزمان با
انجام میگیرد؟
Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: یوسف
عزیزی بنیطرف:
«مردمان قومیتهای
غیر فارس
دراین شرایط
سرنوشت ساز
تاریخی نباید
ازصفوف مردم ایران
جدا حرکت کنند» بنی
در تبریز، اهواز
و در سایر
مناطق قومیتهای
غیر فارس نیز
تظاهرات و
وجود دارد. در اهواز
دانشگاه شهید
چمران در
محاصره است. دانشجویان
دستگیر میشوند.
برای خاموش کردن
مردم در
خیابان امام
دهها تن از
فعالان سیاسی
را دستگیر و
از آنها تعهد
گرفتند که از
بیرون نیایند.
اکنون خیزش
مردم ایران یک
خیزش عام هست
و هدف مشخصی
دارد و آن
ابطال نتایج
انتخابات است.
مردمان قومیتهای
غیر فارس دراین
شرایط سرنوشت
ساز تاریخی
نباید ازصفوف
مردم ایران
جدا حرکت کنند.
علیرغم آن
چیزهایی که
شما گفتید،
این نظر هم وجود
دارد در
مناطقی که قومیتها
زندگی میکنند
مردم غیر فعال
در اعتراضات
شرکت کردند. دلیلش چیست؟
بنی طرف: بعد
از اینکه مردم
عرب در سال ۱۳۸۴
کردند و سپس در
سال ۱۳۸۵
در مهاباد و
اعتراضاتی شد
و سپس در اول
خرداد ۱۳۸۵
انجام گرفت ما
آن پاسخگوئی
را از جانب
فعالین مدنی تهران
ندیدیم. من
فکر میکنم یک
هنوز بین
فعالین مدنی
اقلیتها مثل
بلوچها، کردها،
عربها و ترکها
و وترکمنها
وجود دارد که
به دیدگاه من
این شائبه را
باید از بین
برد، یعنی خود
رهبران سیاسی
آقایان موسوی
و کروبی از
این قومیتهای
غیر فارس بخواهند
که در
شرکت کنند و
اعتراضات خود
را بیان کنند. حتی
از طرف فعالان و
احزاب سیاسی
سرتاسری هم
درخواست کنند
که این یک خیزش
دمکراسی است و
دلجویی کنند که
در سه چهار
سال گذشته
تنها مانده
بودند و از
سوی اینها
حمایتی نشده بوده.
دویچه وله: بنظر
آقای بنی طرف
موسوی و کروبی
و یا احزاب سراسری
بخواهند که
مشارکت فعالی
در اعتراضات کنند،
بنظر شما آیا
خود قومیتها
و یا
نخبگان آنها
نیست که تصمیم
بگیرند وارد
صحنه شوند؟
علاءالدین: من
در شرایطی
نیستم که برای
فعالان ملی
تعیین تکلیف
بکنم. ولی
آذربایجان با
مراجعه به
مراجع تقلید و
میکنند که
این حرف
خودشان را به
گوش مردم
برسانند. مثلا
آقای اردبیلی
درباره تقلب درانتخابات
یک اعلامیه
دادند. بنظرمن
طرحی که آقای
بنی طرف
کردند خوب هست. مردم
آذربایجان از
زمان انقلاب
مشروطیت در شرایط
تاریخی در
ایران کارساز
بودند، ولی از
این حرکتها
بسیار چیز کمی
عاید اینها شده
و حرکت ملی که
امروز هست بر
اساس شئونات
پایه گذاری
شده و در هر مرحلهای
اینها نمیتوانند
انرژی مردم خودشان
را صرف مواردی
بکنند که
ندهد. البته
وضعیت فعلی
فرق میکند . وقتی اعلمی
حذف شد فقط
کروبی اعتراض
کرد و این
اعتراض را از
آقای موسوی
نشنیدیم، ما
مسائل پیشین
را مطرح بکنیم
ولی همین هم
هست که این
دلجویی میتواند
بکند. من فکر
میکنم قومیتها
حتی به قیمت
صرف نظر کردن
از شعارهای
ملی خودشان هم در
این اعتراضات
شرکت فعالی
خواهند کرد.
دویچه وله: آقای
دوشوکی شما هم
فکر میکنید
که موسوی و
کروبی از اقوام
درخواست کنند
که وارد صحنه
دوشوکی: من
مطمئن نیستم
که از این
مفهوم درستی
در جامعه دریافت
بشود. یعنی
معنای ضمنی آن
این است که
اقوام در بطن
نیستند و
انگار خودشان
را تافته
میدانند و در
نتیجه دعوت
بخصوص و ویژهای
از آنها بشود. بنظر
من خواستههای
اقوام هم باید
در کنار
مذهبی، زنان و
مطرح بشود. من
معتقدم که ما
نیز بخشی از
ملت هستیم و
از همه خواستهاند که
بپا خیزند و
من با آن
موافقم و
مسئله اقوام
هم باید در
چارچوب کلی
مبارزه علیه دیکتاتوری
مطرح شود.
دویچه وله: آقای
بنی طرف این
میز گرد را با
شما آغاز کردیم
و با
شما هم به
پایان میرسانیم.
در شرایط
کنونی ورود
فعالتر اقوام
به صحنه اعتراضات، آیا
سیاسی و یا
نیروها را تغییر
خواهد داد و
کلا چه تاثیری
خواهد داشت؟
بنی طرف: بیگمان
که قدرت تحول
در میان قومیتهای
غیرفارس خیلی بالاست.
یک نیروی
عظیمی در واقع
به مبارزات
مردم ایران
اضافه خواهد
شد، اگر این قومیتها
وارد میدان
کوشش و مبارزه
بشوند. منتهی
ما بایستی
پیدا بکنیم که میان
غیر فارس و
عمومی مطرح
کنونی در سطح
جامعه نوعی
همسازی و
ایجاد بکنیم و
باید آنرا
تئوری پردازی
کنیم. یکی از
موارد این
است که هر دو
نامزد اصلاح
طلب دوباره
تاکید روی
حقوق مردمان
غیرفارس بکنند و
بیانیه بدهند
و قومیتها را
برای پیوستن
به اعتراضات و
تغییر وضع
موجود فرا بخوانند.
مصاحبه گر: طاهر
تحریریه: مصطفی
۱۹ ژوئن ۲۰۰۹ (۲۹ خرداد ۱۳۸۸)
صبح آيتالله
علی خامنهای
پايان يافتن
قدرتمند و گستردهای
شد که در
اعتراص به
هفتهی گذشته
صورت میگرفت.
استدلال وی
اين بود که
کوتاه آمدن در
مقابل خواست
مردم و فشارهای
نهايتاً به «ديکتاتوری»
منجر میشود و
به تظاهراتکنندگان
هشدار داد که
ايشان مسئول
خشونتهای آتی
خواهند بود،
نه پليس.
خامنهای به
گوش تمامی
کسانی که به
سياست کنش جمعی
آشناست چرا که
بر منطقی متکی
است که اوليای
امور با اتکاء
بدان از
فرانسهی ۱۷۸۹
گرفته تا خود
ايران ۱۹۷۹ به مخالفت
با عظيمترين
مردمی عصر
جديد برخاستهاند.
شکلگيری اين
جنبشها بدين
واسطه بود که
اصل را بر اين میگذاشتند
که حاکميت
متعلق به خود
مردم است نه دولت
يا نمايندگاناش.
در «منشور آزادی»
سال ۱۹۵۵ مبارزان ANC
(«کنگرهی ملی
آفريقا» به
رهبری نلسون
ماندلا) در آفريقای
جنوبی چنين میگفتند
که «هيچ دولتی
ادعای اقتدار
کند مگر آنکه
اين اقتدار بر
تمامی ملت
متکی باشد.»
نيازی به گفتن
نيست که
ايرانيان خود
بايد جهت
کشورشان را
تعيين کنند.
با اين حال،
ناظران خارجی
(که شهامت تظاهراتکنندگان
ايرانی را در
هفتهی گذشته
ستايش میکنند)
بايد يادآور
شوند که دولتی
که ادعای نمايندگی
ارادهی مردماش
را دارد صرفاً
به شرطی میتواند
چنين کند که
چنين ارادهای
را محترم
شمارد: آزادی
مردم برای گرد
هم آمدن بیهيچ
مانعی و تشکيل
دادن نيرويی
کلی و جمعی؛
نامحدود برای
بحث و دسترسی
به اطلاعات، و
به بحث
گرفتن و به
اجرا درآوردن شيوهی
متمادی حمايت
خارجی از
دموکراسی» در
بسياری از
کشورهای جهان
باعث گسترش
بدبينی موجهی
نسبت به جنبشهايی
مدنی شده که
دموکراتيک دارند.
با اين حال،
اين اصل به
همواره روشن
است: صرفاً
مردم میتوانند
ارزش چنين
ادعاهايی را
تعيين کنند.
ما امضاءکنندگان
اين نامه از
دولت ايران میخواهيم
کاری نکند که
چنين تصميمی
را مانع میشود.
توسکانو (کالج
نامه توسط اين
امضاء شده
رادا، کالج
ژان مونه، سناتين،
اتين، پاريس
ده، دانشگاه
نانتر و دانشگاه
دانشگاه ام آی
تی، کمبريج،
گارسيا، کالج
لندن، انگليس
رانسير، ژاک،
دانشگاه پاريس،سندنی
الکنا، مؤسسهی
علوم و هنرهای
ژيژک، سلاوی،
اسلووانی و
استادان زير
جزو امضاء
کنندگان اين نامه
ALAMDARI, Kazem, California State University, Los Angeles
AMSLER, Sarah S., Language and Social Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham
ANDERSON, Kevin B., Professor of Sociology and Political Science, University of
California, Santa Barbara
ASAD, Talal, Graduate Center, City University of New York
BANUAZIZI, Ali, Professor of Political Science and Director, Program in Islamic
Civilization and Societies, Boston College
BAYAT, Asef, Professor of Sociology and Middle East Studies, Leiden University
BEHROOZ, Maziar, Associate Professor of Middle East History, San Francisco
State University
BENHABIB, Seyla, Eugene Meyer Professor of Political Science and Philosophy,
Yale University, New Haven
BEYER, Vera, Kunsthistorisches Institut der Freien Universität Berlin
BIENIEK, Adam, Jagiellonian University, Chair of Arab Studies, Institute of
Oriental Philology , Cracow, Poland
BOCHENSKA, Joanna, Dept. of Kurdish Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow,
BOGDAN, Jolan, Dept. of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths College, UK
BRUNO, Michael, Dept. of Philosophy, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR
BRUSTAD, Kristen, Associate Chair, Dept. Of Middle Eastern Studies, University
of Texas at Austin
BURGE, Tyler, University of California, Los Angeles
BURGERS, Jan-Willem, Australian National University
BUTT, Gavin, Senior Lecturer & Programme Leader in MPhil / PhD,
COHEN, Joshua, Stanford University
COLE, Juan R. I., Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History, University of
DABASHI, Hamid, Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature,
Columbia University, New York
DE CARO, Mario, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Rome
DI LUCIA COLLETI, Laura, Conseillor Province of Venice
DOGRAMACI, Sinan, University of Texas at Austin
DOLEZALEK, Isabelle, Freie Universität Berlin
DORFMAN, Vladimiro Ariel, Duke Universtiy, Durham, North Carolina
EHSANI, Kaveh, Assistant Professor of International Studies, DePaul University
EISENSTEIN, Zillah, Professor of Politics, Ithaca College
ENGELMANN, Stephen, University of Illinois at Chicago
EPSTEIN, Barbara, History of Consciousness Dept., University of California,
Santa Cruz
FALK, Richard, Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University
FARHI, Farideh, Dept. of Political Science, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
FASY, Thomas M., Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City
FATIMA KHAN, Mahruq, Assistant Professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality
Studies, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
FIELD, Hartry, Professor of Philosophy, New York University
FORAN, John, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
GANDJBAKHSH, Amirhosseing, Research Director, National Health Institute,
Washington DC
GANZ, David, Universität Konstanz, Germany
GARRETT, Don, Dept. of Philosophy, New York University
GASIOROWSKI, Mark, Political Science and International Studies, Louisiana State
GLOGOWSKI, Aleksander, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
GODMILOW, Jill, University of Notre Dame
GOLE, Nilufer, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
HÁJEK, Alan, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University
HASHEMI, Nader, Assistant Professor of Middle East and Islamic Politics
HEGASY, Sonja, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
HERRERA, Linda, Institute of Social Studies (The Hague)
HIBBARD, Scott, DePaul University, Chicago
HOEFERT, Almut, University of Basel
JIMENEZ, Maria, Université Paris Sorbonne, Paris IV
KESHAVARZIAN, Arang, Associate Professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies,
New York University
KHOSROVANI, Sahar, University of Maastricht
KORBEL, Josef, School of International Studies, University of Denver
KOWALIK, Tadeusz, professor of economics and humanities, Polish Academy of
Sciences, Warsaw
KOWALSKA, Beata, Jagiellonian University, Poland
KOZLOWSKI, Pawel, Professor of economics, Polish Academy of Sciences
KUMAR, Victor, University of Arizona
LARRIVÉE, Pierre, Aston University, Birmingham
LEMISCH, Jesse, Professor Emeritus, History, John Jay College of Criminal
Justice, City University of New York, USA
MARTINON, Jean-Paul, Dept. of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths College, UK
MASROUR, Farid, Dept. Of Philosophy, New York University
MCFARLAND, Andrew, Political Science Dept., University of Illinois,
MCINTYRE, Michael, International Studies, DePaul University, Chicago
MEHDIZADEH, Hamidreza, Illinois Institute of Technology
MEMMI, Paul, Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense
MORUZZI, Norma Claire, University of Illinois at Chicago, Political Science,
History, Gender and Women's Studies
MOSES, Claire G., Dept. of Women’s Studies, University of Maryland
MOSHTAGHI, Nazgol, University of South Florida
NAST, Heidi, DePaul University, Chicago
NATCHKEBIA, Irina, Tbilisi University
NOYAU, Colette, Dépt des Sciences du langage, CNRS, Université Paris-Ouest
PATTERSON, Ian, Director of Studies in English, Queens’ College Cambridge
PETTIT, Philip, University Center for Human Values, Princeton University
PIRVELI, Marika, Szczecin University, Poland
PRÉVOST, Sophie, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Ecole Normale
Supérieure, Paris
PRINZ, Jesse, Professor of Philosophy, City University of New York
PROUST, Joëlle, Director of Research, Institut Jean-Nicod, Centre National de
la Recherche Scientifique, Ecole Normale Supérieure
PSTRUSIŃSKA, Jadwiga, Head of Dept. of Interdisciplinary Eurasiatic
Research, Institute of Oriental Philology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
REZAEI ,Ali, Dept. of Sociology, University of Calgary, Canada
ROMAN, Richard, University of Toronto
ROSENTHAL, David M., Professor of Philosophy, Cognitive Science Concentration
Graduate Center, City University of New York
ROSS, Eric B., Visiting Professor of Anthropology and International Development
Studies, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
SANBONMATSU, John, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Dept. Of Humanities and
Arts, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA
SCHAEFER, Karin, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
SCHELLENBERG, Susanna, Professor of Philosophy, Research School of the Social
Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra
SCHIBECI, Lynn, (retired) Dept. of History, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, New Mexico
SCHIELKE, Samuli, Centre of Modern Oriental Studies, Berlin
SCHRECKER, Ellen, Professor of American History at Yeshiva University, New York
SCHWABSKY, Barry, Senior Critic in Sculpture (retired), Yale University
SEDGWICK, Sally, University of Illinois, Chicago
SHAHSAVARI, Anousha, Persian Lecturer, University of Texas at Austin
SHEIKHZADEGAN, Amir, University of Freiburg
SIEGEL, Susanna C., Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University, Cambridge
SIMPSON, Dick, Head of the Political Science Dept., University of Illinois,
SPERBER, Dan, Institut Jean Nicod, CRNS, Paris
STEINSEIFER, Martin, Universität Giessen
STUART, Jack, Minneapolis, MN
Tabb, William K., City University of New York
TAVAKOLI-BORAZJANI, Farifteh, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Iranistik
TAVAKOLI-TARGHI, Mohamad, Professor of History and Near and Middle Eastern
Civilizations, University of Toronto
TISSBERGER, Martina, Freie Universität Berlin, Dept. of Educational Sciences
and Psychology
TOHIDI, Nayereh, Professor and Chair, Gender and Women’s Studies Dept.,
California State University, Northridge
UNGER, Peter, Professor of Philosophy, New York University
VAHDAT, Farzin, Vassar College, New York
VAN BLUEMEL, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
in Worcester, MA
VAN BRUINESSEN, Martin, Chair of Comparative Study of Contemporary Muslim
Societies, Dept. of Theology and Religious Studies, Utrecht University
VICTORRI, Bernard, Directeur de recherché CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
WATZL, Sebastian, Dept. of Philosophy, Columbia University
WHITE, Stephen, Dept. of Philosophy, Tufts University
WINANT, Howard, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
ZIAI, Hossein, Director of Iranian Studies, UCLA Dept. of Near Eastern
Languages and Cultures, Los Angeles, CA
ZUK, Agnieszka, University of Nancy
اسامی 240 نفر
از بازداشت
شناسایی شده
شکنجه و
بدرفتاری با بازداشتی
های بدون
ارتباط با
دنیای خارج
بازداشت شده
را فورا آزاد کنید!
۱۳۸۸ – کمپین
بین المللی
حقوق بشر در
ایران امروز
فهرستی از
افرادی را
کرد که کشته
شدن و بازداشت
شدن آنها از بعد
از اعلام
در ۲۲ خرداد
ماه تائید شده
است. این
فهرست ها کامل
نیستد و فقط
اسامی تعدادی از اشخاصی
را در برمی
گیرد که
شناسایی شده
اند و تاکنون
فقط اسامی ۴ تن
از کشته
را توانسته
است شناسائی
اسامی کلا در
برگیرنده ۲۴۰
که ۲۹ نفر از
آنها کسانی
هستند که پس
از بازداشت آزاد
شده اند. ۱۰۲ نفر
از بازداشتی
ها از شخصیت
های سیاسی، ۲۳ نفر
نگار، ۷۹ نفر
دانشجو و ۷ نفر
از اساتید
دانشگاه ها
همچنان در
زندان بسر می
برند. این
فهرست فقط
اسامی ۴
از شهروندانی
است که کشته
شده اند . هر
چند تعداد
کشته شدگان
بسیار زیاد
است اما
هنوز شناسایی
و یا تائید
نشده اند. منابع
دولتی تاکنون
اعلام کرده
اند که ۱۷۰ نفر قبل از ۲۵
خرداد و ۴۵۷ نفر
در روز ۳۰
بازداشت شده
اند و تاکنون ۲۷
کشته رسما
اعلام شده است
که اسامی آنها
نیز تاکنون ارائه
نشده است. سایر
منابع ادعا می کنند که
بازداشتی ها و
کشته شده ها
خیلی بیشتر از
این هاست. با
توجه به
های بسیار
شدیدی که توسط
دولت اعمال می
شود، امکانات
کمپین بین
المللی حقوق بشر برای
بازداشتی ها و
کشته شدگان
بسیار محدود
شده است.
اساس اطلاعات رسیده به
کمپین بین
المللی حقوق
بشر، بسیاری از
این افراد
بازداشت شده
که اسامی
منتشر می شود توسط
ماموران لباس
شخصی در منازل
یا محل های کار
خود بازداشت شده اند و
بازداشت شدگان
در تظاهرات
نیست. از انجا
که بازداشت
ماشین های
بدون آرم برده
شده اند این
مسئله بی
نهایت برای
خانواده های
این بازداشت
شدگان نگران
کننده است که
نمی دانند چه
کسانی مسئولیت
امنیت جانی
این افراد
را برعهده
دارد و پاسخگوست.
کمپین بین
المللی حقوق بشر
در ایران هیچ
نکرده است که
نشان دهد که
به افراد
احضاریه یا حکم جلبی
ارائه شده
باشد و همچنین
شدگان و
دوستان آنها
هنوز هیچ
از محل
نگهداری این
افراد دریافت
نکرده اند.
رادز؛ سخنگوی
المللی حقوق
بشر در ایران
در باره این
شدگان گفت:” ما
عمیقا از این
که در
این بازداشت
ها قانون
رعایت نمی شود
و نگرانیم. در
بازداشتی ها
در وضعیت
ارتباط با
دنیای خارج
نگهداری می
شوند که احتمالا
با شکنجه برای
اخذ اعترافات اجباری ای
همراه خواهد
بود که ادعای
مقامات را در
مورد این
ثابت کند.”
بین المللی
حقوق بشر
خواستار شد که
همه بازداشت
شدگان مرتبط
با انتخابات
و تظاهرات
مسالمت آمیز
بدون اینکه هیچ
اتهامی متوجه
آنها بشود
فورا آزاد
های مربوط به
شدگان و کشته
شدگان در وب
سایت کمپین
بین المللی
حقوق بشر در
این پیوند در
متن انگلیسی
آن در زیر می
by Government Forces:
The government
has admitted to at least 27 fatalities in Tehran but the true numbers are most
probably much higher. The Campaign
has been able to identify only the names of four persons killed in Tehran
during recent protests because of the extreme restrictions imposed by the
government. There are also reports of fatalities in other cities but the Campaign has not been able to collect
any reliable information.
1) Neda
Aghasoltan, student, was murdered at the demonstration in Tehran on 20 June
2) Naser
Amirnejad, Aerospace PhD student, was murdered during the attack on the Tehran
University dormitories on the night of Wednesday, 14 June 2009. His body was
buried in his home town, one of the villages in the city of Yasouj on 19 June
Mostafa Ghanian, graduate student at Tehran University, was murdered during the
attack on the Tehran University Dormitories on the night of Monday , 14
June 2009. His body was buried in his home town in Mashad on 21 June 2009.
4) Mehdi
Karami, killed in Jonat Abad Street, Tehran, 15 June ۲۰۰۹
Eight people were killed during the attack to the peaceful demonstration in
Tehran on 15 June 2009, according to the government report
6) At
least nineteen people were killed during the attack on the peaceful
demonstration in Tehran on 20 June 2009, according to the government report
There are also
several hundred injuries about which there is no available information. Some of
the injuries could be life threatening. The Campaign
has been informed that Ashkan Zahabian, a member of the Modern Faction of the
Islamic Students Association of Ferdowsi University has been severely injured
after attacks by members of Basiji Militia and is currently in a coma.
and in Detention as of 23 June 2009:
officials have announced a total of 645 arrests in Tehran since 13 June 2009.
The Campaign has received
information that about 70 people detained in Shiraz have been released as of 21
June. The Campaign believes
several hundred more people could be in detention throughout the country. The
following is a list of prominent political personalities, journalists, and
students that the Campaign has
Political personalities and members of the reformist presidential
candidates’ campaigns:
Mostafa Tajzadeh, a member of the Mojahedin of the Islamic
Revolutionary Political Organization and deputy of the Interior Ministry
during Khatami’s presidency, was arrested on 13 June
2) Behzad
Nabavi, a founding member of the Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolutionary
Political Organization and former minister and parliamentarian, was arrested on
13 June and released the day after. He was arrested on 16 June for the
second time
3) Mohsen
Mirdamadi, General Secretary of the Iranian Participation Front and
former parliamentarian, was first arrested on 13 June and released the day
after, but was disappeared on 17 June
4) Saeed
Hajarian, a senior adviser to reformists, a journalist, member of
the Central Council of the Iran Front Participation, member of the first City
Council in Tehran, the victim of an assassination attempt in 2000,
was arrested on 15 June, is paralyzed and suffers serious brain and spinal cord
Abdollah Ramezanzadeh, Vice president of the Iran Front Participation,
coordinator of the reformist campaign in Kurdistan and former government
spokes person during Khatami’s presidency, was arrested on 16 June
6) Ali
Abtahi, a senior adviser to Karroubi’s Campaign, former Deputy of
Parliament Office of President Khatami, and a vice president under Khatami, was
arrested on 16 June
Abdolfatah Soltani, a human rights lawyer and one of the founding members of
the Human Rights Defenders Center as well as a member of Executive Board of the
Bar Association, was arrested on 16 June
8) Javad
Emam, a member of Tehran branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Political
9) Hojat
Esmaieli, a member of the Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolutionary Political
10) Mohsen
Safaiee Farahani, member of the Iran Front Participation and the head of
its Implementation Board, and former president of the Football
11) Ali
Tajernia, a member of the Central Committee of the Iran Participation Front and
former parliamentarian
12) Baghier
Oskouiee, leading official in Karroubi’s campaign, was arrested on 16 June
13) Saeed
Laylaz, prominent economist and Journalist, was arrested on June 17
14) Kuroush
Zaieem, a member of the Central Council of the Iran National Front, was
arrested on 21 June
15) Davoud
Solaymani, a member of the Central Committee of the Iran Participation
Front and former parliamentarian
16) Mohammad
Tavasoli, director of the political office of the Freedom Movement in
Iran and first Mayor of Tehran after the ۱۹۷۹
Revolution, was arrested on 16 June
17) Hossein
Zaman, a well-known pop singer whose works have been banned from State
controlled Radio and Television because of his support for the reformist
18) Mohsen
Aminzadeh, a founding member of the Iran Participation Front and former Deputy
Minister of Foreign Affairs in Khatami’s cabinet, on June 16
19) Saeed
Shirkvand, member of Central Council of Iran Participation Front and former
Deputy of Treasury in Khatami’s cabinet
20) Ahmad
Zaydabadi, general secretary of the Advar organization and journalist, was
arrested on June 13
21) Abdolah Momeni,
member of the central council of the Advar organization and its
spokesperson, was arrested on 21 June
22) Hamed
Iranshahi, member of the Central Council of Advar organization, was arrested on
June 16
23) Musa
Saket, a member of the Advar Tahkim Vahdat and in charge of the campaign
seeking supporters of Karroubi, was arrested on 18 June
24) Mohammad
Atrianfar, a leading member of the Kargozaran Sazandegi Party and journalist,
was arrested on 16 June
25) Jahanbakhsh
Khanjani, a member of the Kargozaran Sazandegi Party and former spokesperson
for the Internal Affairs Ministry in Khatami’s presidency
26) Ebrahim
Khoshchehreh, a political activist in Lahijan and member of National Religious
Activits, was arrested on 21 June
Khoshchehreh, Son of Ebrahim Khoshchehreh, was arrested in Lahijan on 21 June
28) Mohsen
Bastani, member of the Islamic Revolutionary Political Organization in
29) Mehrdad
Balafkan, member of the Islamic Revolutionary Political Organization in
30) Ahmad
Afjeiee, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran
31) Emad
Bahavand, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran
32) Mojtaba
Khandan, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran
33) Saeed
Zeraatkar, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran
34) Rouholah
Sahraee, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran
35) Ali
Mehrdad, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran
36) Mohammad
Reza Ahmadinia, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran
37) Reza
Arjaini, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran in Zanjan
38) Jalal
Bahrami, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran in Zanjan
39) Sadegh
Rasouli, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran in Zanjan
40) Ahad
Rezaiee, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran in Zanjan
41) Bagher
Fathali Baygi, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran in Zanjan
42) Mansour
Vafa, member of the Freedom Movement of Iran in Zanjan
43) Ali
Pourkhayri, member of the Iran Participation Front
44) Shahin
Nourbakhsh, member of the Iran Participation Front
45) Ali
Taghipour, member of the Iran Participation Front
46) Mohammad
Shokuhi, member of the Iran Participation Front
47) Ashkan
Mojaleli, member of the Iran Participation Front
48) Maysam
Varahchehre, member of the Iran Participation Front
49) Mahdian
Minavi, member of the Iran Participation Front
50) Farhad
Nasrollahpour, member of the Iran Participation Front
51) Amir
Ariazand, member of the Iran Participation Front
52) Ali
Taghipour, member of the Iran Participation Front
53) Adel
Dehdashti, member of the Iran Participation Front
54) Mehrdad
Balafkan, member of the Iran Participation Front
55) Mahmoud
Ebrahimi, member of the Iran Participation Front
56) Bahram
Kardan, member of the Iran Participation Front
57) Shahabobdin
Tabatabaiee, the head of the Youth Supporters of the Moussavi
Mohammadreza Jalaieepour, a student in Oxford and in charge of the
website of the youth branch of the Iran Participation Front, was arrested on
June 17 in Tehran Airport
59) Saeed
Nourmohammadi, member of the Iran Participation Front
60) Ali
Mohaghar, a member of the Kargozaran Sazandegi party
Hedayatollah Aghaiee, a member of the Kargozaran Sazandegi party
62) Ali Waghfi,
member of the Moussavi Campaign in Tehran
63) Hamzeh
Ghalebi, member of the Moussavi Campaign in Tehran
64) Saeed
(Hassan) Nikkhah, member of the Moussavi Campaign in Tehran
65) Hesam
Nasiri, member of the Moussavi’s Campaign in Tehran
66) Ehsan
Bagheri, member of the Moussavi Campaign in Tehran
67) Homaiee,
member of the Moussavi Campaign in Tehran
68) Fatahi,
member of the Moussavi Campaign in Tehran
69) Zakeri,
member of the Moussavi Campaign in Tehran
70) Rouholah
Shahsavar, member of Moussavi Campaign in Khorasan
71) Mohsen
Rouzbehan, member of Moussavi Campaign in Khorasan
72) Kaveh
Servati, member of Moussavi Campaign, was arrested on 20 June
73) Maryam
Ameri, member of Karroubi’s Campaign
74) Naseh
Faridi, member of Karroubi’s Campaign
75) Morteza
Khani, member of Karroubi’s Campaign
76) Bagher
Oskouiee, member of Karroubi’s Campaign
77) Siamand
Ghiyasi, member of Karroubi’s Campaign in Kermanshah
78) Mohammad
Jafari, member of Karroubi’s Campaign in Kermanshah
79) Dr. Jalil
Sharabianlu, a prominent MD and surgeon in Tabriz
80) Dr Ghafar
Farzadi, in Tabriz
81) Majid
Jabari, in Tabriz
82) Rahim
Yawari, In Tabriz
83) Abbas
Pourazhari, in Tabriz
84) Dr. Laya
Farzadi, in Tabriz
85) Shabeti, in
86) Shamlu, in
87) Dr.
Ghafarzadeh, in Tabriz
88) Dr.
Soltaniazad, in Tabriz
89) Dr. Panahi,
in Tabriz
90) Dr.
Seyflou, in Tabriz
91) Dr.
Dadizadeh, in Tabriz
92) Mehdi
Yarbahrami, in Tabriz
93) Mansour
Ghafari, in Tabriz
94) Hojatollah
Amiri, in Tabriz
95) Amir
Hossein Jahani, in Tabriz
96) Rhdah
Rahimipour, in Tabriz
97) Mehdi
Khodadadi, in Tabriz
98) Payam
Haydar Ghazvini, student in Gazvin
99) Nasim
Riahi, student in Gazvin
Mojtaba Rajabi, student in Gazvin
Atar Rashidi, student in Gazvin
Hanieh Yousefian
Some of the
journalists who were also political personalities are listed above under the
political personalities. The list of detained journalists is also independently
verified by Reporters without Borders.
Mohammad Ghouchani, journalist and editor in charge of daily Etemad e Meli, was
arrested on 18 June
Rajabali Mazrouiee, head of the Journalists Association, was arrested on 20
3) Karim
Arghandehpour, a blogger (http://www.futurama.ir/) and reporter
pro-reform newspapers Salam, Vaghieh and Afaghieh, was arrested on 14 June
Maziyar Bahari, an Iranian-Canadian dual national, journalist and the
representative of Newsweek in Iran, was arrested on 22 June
5) Kayvan
Samimi Behbahani, editor in chief of the closed monthly Nameh and human rights
activist, was arrested on 14 June
6) Zhila
Baniyaghoub, journalist and editor in charge of the Iranian Women’s
Center website, was arrested on 20 June
7) Bahman
Ahmadi Amoui, journalist, was arrested on 21 June
Mojtaba Pourmohsen, journalist and Radio Zamaneh’s representative in
Rasht, was arrested on 15 June
9) Mahsa
Amraiee, Journalist , was arrested on 14 June
10) Behzad
Bashou, Cartoonist, was arrested on 14 June
11) Sayed
Khalil Mirashrafi, TV producer was arrested on 14 June
12) Abdolreza
Tajik, journalist was arrested on 14 June
13) Rohollah
Shahsavar, journalist was arrested in Mashhad, was arrested on 17 June
14) Mashallah
Haydarzadeh, journalist in Boushehr, was arrested on 14 June
Hamideh Mahouri, journalist in Bushehr, was arrested on 14 June
16) Amanolah
Shojaiee, journalist in Bushehr, was arrested on 14 June
17) Hossein
Shokouhi,a journalist in Bushehr, was arrested on 14 June
18) Somayeh
Touhidlou, sociologist and blogger in the Road of Health
19) Shiva
Nazarahari, a member of the Reporters of Human Rights Committee and a
journalist was arrested on 13 June
20) Alireza
Beheshti Shirazi, editor in charge of banned daily Kalameh and the website
Kalameh Sabz, former director of the Iran Participation Front, was arrested on
23 June during the attack to the newspaper property. Beheshti’s son, Sadra, was
arrested while he was visiting his father.
21) Hassan
Maadikhah, director of the Zareh Publication and son of Abdolmajid Maadikhah
the former Cultural and Guardiance Minister,
22) Mostafa
Ghavanloo Ghajar, was arrested on 22 June
23) Fariborz
Soroush, arrested in Karaj
University Students and professors: [The names of students who were
arrested during the attack on the Tehran University Dormitories are based
on information released by the Reports of Human Rights Committee]
1) Marjan
Fayazi, student at Mazandaran University, was arrested on June 22
2) Sogan
Alikhah, student at Mazandaran university, was arrested on June 22
Alireza Kiani, student at Mazandaran university
4) Milad
Hosseini Koshtan, student at Mazandaran university
5) Ali
Nazari, student at Mazandaran university
Siavoush Safavi, student at Mazandaran university
7) Ashkan
Zahabian, student at Mazandaran university
8) Ali
Dinavari, student at Mazandaran university
9) Rahman
Yaghoubi, student at Mazandaran university
Maziar Yazdani, student at Mazandaran university
11) Ali
Abbasi, student at Mazandaran university
Shouaneh Merikhi, student at Mazandaran university
13) Majid
Dari, an expelled student at Alameh Tabatabaiee University in Tehran, was
violently arrested on 21 June in his home
Esmaiel Jalilvand, a student activist in Shiraz University, was arrested on 21
Hamdollah Namjou, a student activist in Shiraz University, was arrested on 21
Hossein Reisian, university professor at International Emamkhomaini University
in Ghazvin, was arrested on June 21
Fazli, university professor at International Emamkhomaini University in Ghazvin
Imani, university professor at International Emamkhomaini University in Ghazvin
Alborzi, university professor at International Emamkhomaini University in
Darvish, university professor at International Emamkhomaini University in
Mohsen Barzegar, student
at Babol Engineering Univeristy, was arrested on June 18
22) Iman
Sedighi, student at Babol Engineering Univeristy, was arrested on June 18
23) Hesam
oldin Bagheri, student at Babol Engineering Univeristy, was arrested on June 18
Siavash Saliminejad, student at Babol Engineering Univeristy, was arrested on
June 20
Alireza Khoshbakht, an expelled graduate student, was arrested on June 17
26) Zahra
Tohidi, an expelled graduate student, was arrested on June 17
Ziaoldin Nabavi, secretary of the Education Rights Council, was arrested on 16
Sohrab Ahadian, student at Tehran University, was arrested on June 17 when the
Tehran University Dormitories were violently attacked
29) Reza
Arkouzi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
30) Karim
Emami, student, was arrested during the attack on the Tehran University
Dormitories mid night on June 14
Mohammad Hossein Emami, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Elaheh Imanian, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Rouholah Bagheri, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Farhad Binazadeh, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
35) Iman
Pourtahmasb, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
36) Ezat
Torbati, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories midnight on June 14
Somayeh tohidlou, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
38) Milad
Chegini, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Mohammadreza Hohabadi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
40) Seyed
Javad hosseini, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Farshid Heydari Zamin, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Behnam Khodabandeh lou, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Mohammad Khansari, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Mohammad Davoudian, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Mahmoud Delbari, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
46) Ali
Raiee, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
47) Omid
Rezaiee, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
48) Ali
Refahi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Seifolah Rmezani, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Ebrahim Raidian, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
51) Naser
Zamani, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
52) Majid
Selahvand, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
53) Hanif
Salimi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Mohammad Bagher Shabanpour, student, was arrested during the attack to the
Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
55) Hamed
Shaykh alishahi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
56) Iman
Shaydaieezaban, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Farhad Shirahmad, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
58) Saman
Sahebjalali, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Farhan Sadeghpour, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Farshad Taheri, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Ghamdideh Olum, student, was arrested during the attack to the
TehranUuniversity Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Esmaieel Ghorbani, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
Mohammad Karimi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14
64) Erfan
Mohammadi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14
65) Naseh
Faridi, student at Teacher Training Universtiy, was arrested on June 17
Izadi, Professor of Bualisina University in hamedan, was arrested on June 16
Majzoubi, University Professor at Bualisina University in Hamedan, was arrested
June 13
68) Amin
Nazari, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
Siavash Hatam, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
Pouria Sharifian, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
71) Mehdi
Mosafer, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
72) Reza
Jafarian, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
73) Hojat
Bakhtiari, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
Mostafa Mehdizadeh, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
75) Omid
Sohravi, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
76) Vahid
Amirian, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
Fazolah Joukar, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
78) Mehdi
Torkaman, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
Nastaran Khodarahimi, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
80) Ali
Ahmadi, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
Mosaab Ebrahimi, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
82) Saeed
Parvizi, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
Bahareh Hosseini, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
84) Hadis
Zamani, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
85) Nahid
Siahvand, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
Imani, student at Bualisina University in Hamedan
and Released:
Mohammad Reza Khatami, member of the Central Committee of Iran
Participation Front, brother of former president Khatami, was arrested on 13
June and released on ۱۴ June
2) Zahra
Mojaradi, a member of the Iran Participation Front, was arrested on 13 June and
released on 14 June
3) Saeed
Shariati, a member of the Iranian Participation Front, was arrested on 13
June and released on 14 June
4) Taghi
Rahmani, political figure and journalist, was arrested on 14 June and
released the day after
5) Reza
Alijani, political figure, was arrested on 14 June and released the day
6) Hoda
Saberi, journalist, was arrested on 14 June and released the day after
7) Faezeh
Hashemi Rafsanjani, and her daughter and two other members of Rafsanjani’s
Family were arrested on 20 June and released after 30 hours
Ebrahim Yazdi, General Secretary of the Iran Liberation Movement, was arrested
on June 14 from the Pars Hospital in Tehran and was taken back to the hospital
on June 15 for further surgery
9) Ahmad
Ahmadian, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories mid night on June 14 and released later
Eskandari, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14 and released later
11) Amin
Afzali, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories midnight on June 14 and released later
12) Vahid
Anari, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories mid night on June 14 and released later
Mohammad Bolourdi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14 and released later
Hossein Hamedi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14 and released later
Mohsen Habibi, Mazaheri, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14 and released later
16) Navid
Haghdadi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran university
Dormitories at midnight on June 14 and released later
Mohammad reza Hokmi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14 and released later
18) Kazem
Rahimi Olume, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14 and released later
Morteza Rezakhani, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14 and released later
Maysam Zareiee, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14 and released later
21) Amin
Samiee, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories at midnight on June 14 and released later
Bahram Shaabani, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories at midnight on June 14 and released later
Alireza Shaykhi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories mid night on June 14 and released later
Ebrahim Azizi, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories mid night on June 14 and released later
Siavash Fiaz, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University
Dormitories mid night on June 14 and released later
26) Sayed
Hossein Mirzadeh, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
University Dormitories mid night on June 14 and released later
27) Hossein
Noubakht, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran university
Dormitories mid night on June 14 and released later
28) Javad
Yazdanfar, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran university
Dormitories mid night on June 14 and released later
29) Habib
Khadangi, student, student, was arrested during the attack to the Tehran
university Dormitories mid night on June 14 and released later