منظمة حقوق الإنسان الأهوازية
سازمان حقوق بشر اهواز
Ahwazi Human Rights Organization (AHRO)




Ahwaz Human Rights Organization-USA

P.O. Box 679,  Lorton, Virginia 22199

Tel. 703-806-9234  e-mail: aso@ahwazstudies.org   www.ahwazstudies.org  Fax (703)266-0330




Condemn the Massacre of Indigenous Ahwazi Arabs in Iran


Iran's "Bloody Weekend" massacre in city of Ahwaz

According to news reports and eyewitnesses, more than 30 Ahwazi Arab demonstrators were killed, over 500 injured and thousands were arrested during protests in the southwestern Iranian Province of Khuzestan (al-Ahwaz) in 15-17 April 2005. The vast majority of the five million inhabitants of this province are indigenous Arabs.

Demonstrations broke out after the publication of a top secret letter from President Khatami's office, which detailed plans for a plan of ethnic cleansing and ethnic "restructuring" in Khuzestan   http://www.ahwaz.org.uk/images/ahwaz-khuzestan.pdf                  

State Security Forces were brought in to halt the protests and began shooting at unarmed demonstrators. The authorities also cut off the power, telephone connections and water supplies to the provincial capital city of Ahwaz. The districts are now besieged by the SSF, which is preventing people from entering or leaving.

The plans outlined in the letter include reducing the Arab population to around one-third of the province's total population through forced migration and eliminating all traces of Arab culture and language, including names of streets and towns. The letter, signed by former vice president Mohammad Ali Abtahi and written in 1999, suggests a time frame of 10 years to accomplish the ethnic restructuring program. This is the second internal top-secret letter in that has been leaked/ smuggled out and distributed by Ahwazi Iranian Human rights organizations.

President Khatami has reportedly ordered the Intelligence Ministry and the Supreme National Security Council to identify those behind the unrest, alleging that "the hands of foreign agents and enemies of the revolution are at work". On his personal website (www.webneveshteha.com), Abtahi denied writing the letter.  Government officials also claimed the letter was forged.

However, the originality of the letter has been authenticated by the British Ahwazi Friendship Society (BAFS) through a former member of Khatami's staff now living in exile. BAFS has also obtained video evidence that shows the destruction of Ahwazi Arab homes by the Iranian army and interviews with those who were made homeless.

The Iranian government has confiscated more than 90,000 hectares of indigenous Ahwazi farmland and the inhabitants have been forced to leave their homeland and migrate to non-Arab provinces. There are many more aspects of what appears to be a part of a program of ethnic cleansing in Khuzestan.

The Iranian security forces are using heavy-handed tactics to put down what started as a peaceful demonstration against ethnic cleansing. Machine-gun mounted helicopter gunship and live ammunition, tear gas canisters and debilitating poison-filled bullets have been used to put down the rioting.

Among the dead are several children aged 13 and under. Several prominent Ahwazi indigenous religious, tribal and community leaders including Haj Ebrahim Ameri and Kazem Mojadam have been arrested, along with most of the leadership of the Islamic Wafagh Party, a legal Iranian political party. List of the killed whose family permitted publication of their names.

We urge that the international community interferes and stop the killing of innocent indigenous Ahwaz Arab people of Khuzestan.

Please see these sites for more information:



Karim Abdian

Executive Director

Ahwaz Human Rights Organization


Innocent civilians who were shot to death by the Iranian security forces in Khuzestan during April 15-17:

1.       Musa Shamoosi (8-years old) resident of Ahwaz City in Khuzestan, Iran

2.       Nasser Abiat, resident of Ahwaz City in Khuzestan, Iran

3.       Mehdi Afrawi, resident of Ahwaz City in Khuzestan, Iran

4.       Ali Sabhani (13-year old), resident of Hamidieh, in Khuzestan, Iran

5.       Hadi Sabhani, resident of Hamidieh, in Khuzestan, Iran

6.       Nasser Khazraji, resident of Malashoeh, Ahwaz-Khuzestan, Iran

7.       Ebrahim Ghazi, , resident of Malashoeh, Ahwaz-Khuzestan, Iran

8.       Ali Abiat, , resident of Malashoeh, Ahwaz-Khuzestan, Iran

9.       Nasser Daghalegheh, resident of kut Dayed Saleh,  Khuzestan, Iran

10.   Sayed Khalaf Mousawi, resident of Kut Sayed Saleh,  Khuzestan, Iran

11.   Mehdi Hanoon-Haydari, resident of Ahwaz City in Khuzestan, Iran

12.   Reza Abiadawi, resident of Ahwaz City in Khuzestan, Iran

13.   Alam Khazraji, resident of Maleshiah, in Khuzestan, Iran

14.   Naji Abiat (20-years old), Ahwaz, Khuzestan

15.   Ali Muhammad, resident of Ahwaz City in Khuzestan, Iran

16.   Abed, Nawasseri, resident of Ahwaz City in Khuzestan, Iran

17.   Sadegh Nawasseri, resident of Ahwaz City in Khuzestan, Iran

18.   Mehdi Abdolhussain, resident of Hamidieh, in Khuzestan, Iran

19.   Reza Aboud Hussaini, resident of Hamidieh, in Khuzestan, Iran

20.   Mehdi Yazdan-Abiawi, resident of Hamidieh, in Khuzestan, Iran